Lamar County, MS
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Online Offical Records Web Portal

Your right to privacy
Beginning , any person preparing or filing a document for recording in the Official Records Books of Seminole County may not include a social security number in such document, unless required by law. Please note: it is the current practice of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Seminole County to redact the following information from images made available through the Clerk's website: Social Security Numbers Dates of Birth Drivers License Numbers Bank Account Numbers Credit/Debit Account Numbers

To search our Online Land Records please follow the instructions below:

    Record Search
  • Enter the search criteria for the named person
  • Alternately, enter the instrument specific data
  • After clicking "Search" a grid listing will show matches
  • Select the record you wish to view by clicking the row
  • The detail screen will show information on the parties and instrument data
  • All images associated with the record will be displayed to the right of the detailed data
  • You are able to go back to the criteria or result set by clicking on the vertical column area
  • For subscription options please click here
Disclaimer and User Agreement for Official Records Access
The Clerk & Comptroller provides information on this Web site as a service to our customers. We are committed to ensuring that these records are accurate. However, we make no warranty or guarantee regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the content on this site or at other sites to which we are linked. The user is responsible for determining the accuracy and reliability of the information in our system and is advised to search on all possible spelling variations of proper names as well as to utilize other search criteria, to maximize search results.
The Clerk & Comptroller shall not be liable for errors or omissions contained herein, including but not limited to: errors, omissions and misspellings in names, legal descriptions, document type, and property type; and incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete indexing of records. In no event shall the Clerk & Comptroller be liable for any damages, of any nature whatsoever, arising out of the use of, or the inability to use this internet service or the information made available through this internet service.
    Use of this service is subject to and conditioned upon acceptance of the following conditions and terms (use the scroll bar to view the complete text):
  1. All information provided by the Clerk & Comptroller through this Internet service is provided "as is" with no warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose.
  2. The Clerk & Comptroller does not guarantee or warranty the accuracy, completeness, timeliness of the records or the indexing of the records for any general or specific purpose.
  3. The data on this site will be updated daily with the exception of weekends and holidays. No guarantee is made as to update frequency of this update.
  4. All information provided by the Clerk & Comptroller through this Internet service is for informational purposes only and is not an official or certified record of the Clerk’s Office. Furthermore, this information is subject to change without notice and should not be used for any official purpose.
  5. The user assumes all risks associated with the use of this Internet service and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Clerk & Comptroller, its agents, representatives, and employees from and against any damages or losses of any nature whatsoever that may be caused by accessing, viewing, retrieving and/or disseminating the information or records obtained on this site.
  6. Internet access to this site may be unavailable periodically after normal business hours due to system maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
By using this Internet service, user acknowledges and accepts the terms and conditions contained in this Disclaimer and Agreement and agrees to be bound by each of the terms and conditions.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties while using the Official Records Search, please email support

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Please use this input area to tell us what we are missing on this particular instrument. You may also send us a request to add additional details/images if you know the record is incomplete. The Clerk will review your request and modify the record if needed. Your email address will only be used to contact you regarding the published changes.

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Instrument Details (Click to view)